Hello World!

Dear Followers and Friends,

It has been sooooo long since my last post! BUT inspirational friends, fellow bloggers and followers made me come back. I’m so excited about this! Spring is upon us! The sun is shining! Birds are singing! Spring in Paris it’s amazing!

Looking forward to hearing how all of you have been!

I’ll let you enjoy some curated pictures that sum up my feelings!

Photos courtesy of Pinterest.

Friday Mood Board

Today is such a cold rainy day, that it even managed to put a damper on my mood. But nothing compares with looking at pictures that make you happy, especially the ones showing sunny places. Oh! One can only dream of a winter with 30+ degrees (Celsius). So, here are the photos I choose for this week mood board.

Pictures courtesy of Pinterest

Friday Inspiration Board

This week in images that got my attention and made me think about sunny days! Pretty opposite than last week’s gloomy Halloween inspiration board! Hahaha 🙂

Photos courtesy of Pinterest.


September Friday Inpiration

This week in wow photos that made the sun come out, even if only for a while! How was your week?

Photos courtesy of Pinterest.

July Photo Inspiration

This week in photos that made me smile and enjoy life even more!

Photos courtesy of Pinterest.